
Graduation Day Saturday

It's Monday night and I'm way behind in practically everything. I've had several pieces I'd wanted to post and I'm going to try and get some in tonight before heading to Atlantic City in the morning. I'm going to start with my Saturday:

Graduation Day

Saturday was graduation at the school where I teach and since I had four students graduating. Graduation Day is a special one for teachers, especially ESL teachers, and especially me! I go through a lot with my students and teach many of them for years, and so it's so great to see them march up there in their caps and gowns, deservedly proud of themselves for their big accomplishment.

I'm not the only teacher who attends graduation, either. Quite a few of my fellow teachers go to the ceremony, some even participate, all to pay homage to the students they helped along the way. I only wish the teacher bashers out there could see and know these people as I do.

Anyway, a big congrats goes to my guys (and gals) Asil, Beatriz, Gerber and Jackie. I'm proud of you all and I'm going to miss you!

What was I thinking?

After the graduation, I was looking forward to going out, but I wasn't sure where to go. The weather had been iffy, but the forecast was good, and so I told myself that if it was going to be nice I would go to the Grove and if not, the city. Well, the weather turned out to be gorgeous and of course I picked the wrong place!

I should have known from the moment I got to the ferry that it wasn't going to be good. I actually contemplated getting right back on and coming back so I could make my way into NY, but thought better of it since I was going to Pride on Sunday anyway. For the first time in a long, long time, I didn't know anybody there...well, almost.

On the ferry I saw that girl, Lisa, who knew me from religion class in the second grade...not exactly someone I wanted to hang out with. She's pretty sociable anyway, so I pretty much kept to myself most of the night...and then I saw Matthew, the guy I met over there Memorial Day Weekend. He was with like six or seven people and having a great time, which made me just want to go home. He came over and chatted for a hot minute, and went back to his friends.

That was it! The music absolutely sucked, too, so I wasn't doing much dancing. I decided to hightail it out of there on the 11:30 ferry and headed home for some sleep. Oh well, at least the next day was fun...


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