

     For him the ring was his home, in its confines he had been a GOD. But tonight he felt his abilities slipping away; the inevitable was happening to him. Father time had found him, as their game of hide and seek had ended. Gone were the moves, and the grace which he executed so well. As the referee counted the last one 1, 2, 3, his shoulders against the canvas, it was over. He knew this would be the last time he would ever be a champion. As the crowd cheered for the new young lion who had taken his spot, he walked down the aisle to the dressing room one last time. He began to remove his boots as he sat on the locker room bench, the blood oozing down his arms.

     The door swings open, there stood not one of the boys (they had all left earlier after wishing him well on his future endeavors) but a quiet, unassuming man named Joe; the last person to enter the locker room for going on 30 years; picking up after the athletes, mopping sweat and blood once the show was over. He looked into his eyes and saw sadness for the first time, realizing that it was me that had the bad job, not Joe. Then he asked Joe "What did you think man, about my match?" Joe responded "I've seen you at your best and now Father Time has taken the rest". As he untaped his hands, he thought to himself, DAMN, DAMN. This coming from a man who has cleaned up all our blood and sweat; some of us have given him tips and trips. He thought to himself, all this time JOE had the bad job! Joe said "Look champ, I know you lost tonight, but at least when you leave I'll turn out the lights". Just then Joe extended his hand and said "you'll have this to take with you". In his hand Joe placed a jewel from the first championship belt he had ever earned. Long thought to be lost, Joe had found it and kept it for him all these years. He stood there amazed, and humbled, feeling as though he had been given back the youth and glory of his younger days. He looked up at Joe, as he lifted himself off the bench, stitches still bleeding, and walked to the showers, Joe said " I'll still turn out the lights CHAMP"!
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